It Came from Beneath the Sea

- Aye, aye, sir.
- How about the men?

They should complain?
All they do is eat and sleep, press
a button when there's work to be done.

How about you, Captain?

Down scope.
Why shouldn't I be satisfied?
Three world records in the bag
on our first shakedown cruise?

Listen to that music.
All we need is some champagne
and dancing girls.

Shall I have the chief
change the record?

Yeah, you'd better,
before we start chasing mermaids.

MacAninch, something
a little more salty, if you please.

Salty, sir?
Yeah, let's get off this Hawaiian kick.
It's even demoralizing the captain.

Aye, aye, sir.
Pair of fives.
Pair of tens.

- What's going on?
- Yeah, what?

¿Que pasa?
I dig that.

There's another beep
from the sonar epuipment, sir.

Target bearing 1-8-0.
Range: 1-5-0-0.

There's nothing back there.
Sonar still picks it up,

It's dead astern.
Submerged about as deep as we are.

Looks like it could be
following us.

Whales sometimes get playful
out here in the Pacific.

Scans bigger than a whale.
- Another sub?
- Even bigger than a sub.

It's closing in on us, Captain.
You'd better take a look at this.

Conning Tower to Control.
Left 20 degrees rudder.
New course: 3-0-0.
Left 20 degrees rudder.
New course:3-0-0.
The rudder
is 20 degrees left, sir.

What would you call that?
Probably a short circuit in our
sonar system showing up as an echo.
