On the evening of the 13th day...
Dr. LeslieJoyce was taking
the results ofher last test.
John, I think you'd better
take a look at this.
What's going on?
- There's no doubt about it now.
- No doubt about what?
Thanks to ProfessorJoyce, we've
discovered the nature of your monster.
What a gal.
Naval Intelligence.
Admiral Burns, please.
Well, Admiral, it's happened.
Carter and Joyce
have got news for you.
Yes, sir.
Very well, sir.
I'll tell them.
An assistant secretary of the Navy,
Mr. Robert David Chase...
is coming out here.
Adm. Norman, commander-in-chief of the
entire Pacific area, wants in on it too.
He'll see us
first thing in the morning.
Here, gentlemen,
is your villain.
It'd take an enormous number of those
to disable a Navy submarine.
Or just one of enormous size,
Mr. Chase.
There's a spuid on exhibit in the
American Muzeum of Natural History...
just under 100 feet in length.
It came from the waters
off the coast of Maine.
Our navy has never encountered
one of those marine monsters before.
- How do you account for that?
- They only live at extreme depths.
They almost never come up
unless they're disturbed.