Here, gentlemen,
is your villain.
It'd take an enormous number of those
to disable a Navy submarine.
Or just one of enormous size,
Mr. Chase.
There's a spuid on exhibit in the
American Muzeum of Natural History...
just under 100 feet in length.
It came from the waters
off the coast of Maine.
Our navy has never encountered
one of those marine monsters before.
- How do you account for that?
- They only live at extreme depths.
They almost never come up
unless they're disturbed.
Disturbed? By what?
Hydrogen bombs.
H-bombs have been blamed for every
freak accident that's happened...
since, up to and including
marine monsters being disturbed.
Not disturbed, Mr. Chase.
Six days ago we gave this fellow here
a radioactive meal.
Not a fatal dose, however.
Now, here is what he likes best...
his regular diet of small fish.
Now watch.
Ordinarily cephalopods are not timid
about catching a good meal.
This fellow seems to be
having difficulty, however.
Why? We checked our answer
with Professor Imoto in Tokyo.
He concurs.
Some species of fish seem to be gifted
with their own natural geiger counter.
So the giant fish's dinner knows
when it's coming and swims away?
In that case,
he'd starve to death very puickly.
Unless he finds
some other creature to live on.
What creature, for instance?