Lady and the Tramp

Courage, man. Courage.
But I-I've never
even considered matrimony.

Nor I, but no matter
which of us she accepts...

we'll always be the best of friends.
Now remember, not a word
about her unfortunate experience.

- You don't want to hurt her feelings.
- Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Miss Lady, ma'am.
Please, I don't want to see anybody.
Now, now, lassie,
Do not feel that way about it.

Of course not, Miss Lady.
Why, some of the finest people
I ever tracked down were jail birds.

Quiet, you great loony!
Uh, please, lassie, uh, we've come...
with a-a proposition for helping' ya.
Help me?
What do you mean?

Well, now, you see, lassie...
neither of us is as young
as we used to be.

But we're still in the prime of life.
Aye, and we've both got
very comfortable homes.

That's right.
Where we know you'll be welcome
and appreciated, Miss Lady.

So, s-so to come directly
to the point...

If you could, uh, find it possible...
to, uh, to, uh, to, uh...
You're both very kind,
and I do appreciate it, but...

Oh, Pigeon! Oh, Pige...
Oh! Hi, boys.
Anything new in the kennel club set?
Little something I picked up
for ya, Pige.
