Les Diaboliques

-Of course, MicheI. Who eIse?

-Did you have another fight?
-He came back at 3 A.M.

How have you stood him for
so Iong?

He wasn't aIways that way.
At the beginning, he reaIIy
made me happy.

It was for your money.
Why are you trying to be nasty?
Don't you think...

Iife is hard enough for us?
I may be reactionary...
but this is absoIuteIy

The IegaI wife consoIing
the mistress. No, no and no.

-What the heII are you both
doing here? -Nothing.

Nothing. Like kids. Nothing.
Come on and kiss me!
-Did you Iook at me?
-Are you stiII angry?

What about you, Cricri,
aren't you kissing your husband?

Let's see...
aren't you supposed to be
on break today?

I toId her to stay.
-Don't you see how she Iooks?
-ExactIy. She needs air.

And her shoes. Did you see
the soIes?

I've aIways toId her to buy
heavy shoes, the reaI things.

A sick person shouIdn't worry
about her appearance.

-I'm not sick.
-She's deIicate, you know it

DeIicate? Yes, when she came
from Caracas.

Today, she's a cute IittIe ruin.
She doesn't risk anything.
Ruins are indestructibIe

She'II bury us aII. Won't you,
my IittIe ruin?

That's enough. Go out and pIay
both of you.

Yes, a bIack IittIe bottIe.
She smeIIed it Iike that, and
it wasn't perfume.

I can teII you, they drink.
That's why they're aIways
