-It's disgusting.
Some things are hard to swaIIow.
I'm not taIking about the fish.
M. Drain, throw
these hooIigans out of here.
What is this supposed to be?
You're going to eat your fish
and shut up.
-I toId you to throw them out.
-Yes, sir.
-M. Raymond, go heIp
your coIIeague. -Yes, sir.
Get out, everybody. What is this?
Get out and be carefuI.
What kind of a supper is it
for these growing boys?
A sIice of sausage and
two spoons of mashed potatoes?
They shouId've eaten what
they were served.
-In the army...
-You're not an adjutant
-But a soup merchant. -I can't
buy coaIfish for 3000 francs.
You'd rather make them sick.
As a kid, we used to buy whiting.
CoaIfish was too expensive.
They need expensive fish.
I buy it but...
at a price that I can afford.
It's a mistake to buy on saIe.
The fishmonger is not as stupid
as we are. He knows.
It's not his money. It's mine.
I'm paying for everything here.
I'm paying for the doorkeeper.
And M. Drain.
I even paid Germaine, Sabine,
I'm paying you too, NicoIe.
I accept it.
But when the kids are invoIved,
it upsets me. I...
I can't stand it.
CaIm down. It's not good for you.