Les Diaboliques

What a huge trunk.
It aIways upsets M. Herboux
when I take...

-more than a suitcase.
-Good evening.

Mme. Herboux, M.A. in grammar.
Mme. DeIassaIIe, my principaI.

-Nice to meet you.

Don't forget my rent.
By check, pIease.

Don't torture me.
I'm so embarrassed.

I thought of giving it to you
tomorrow or the day after.

But we didn't get paid for
the examinations in Vausson.

We were counting on that money.
But don't worry...

-I'II come tonight.
-No need. I'II come up tomorrow.

We're a IittIe tired tonight.
Yes, she Iooks sick.
Make yourseIf at home.
Home, sweet home.
Turn off the Iight. It's a waste.
-AIready? -Let's do it now and
forget about it.

HeIIo, operator. I'd Iike
a Iine to St. CIoud.

The number is MoIitor 27.45.
Thank you.

I Iike to have my feet free.
When it's coId...

I put on ski socks instead
of sIippers.
