-You've got fever.
-No, I'm just hot.
I thought you'd never come back.
That he'd get here before you.
It doesn't aIways go
as you want it to.
That's Iife. Everything was
Did you buy a tabIecIoth?
Yes, a nyIon, waterproof one.
-It's too big!
-It won't be big for him.
Guess how much?
2500 francs.
That's how they make money.
Let's open it.
That way it won't Iook weird.
WeII, Iet's not waste it.
-Here, it wiII cheer you up.
You shouId, it's not bad at aII.
I've never had that before.
-You're supposed to put water in it.
-It wouId be a waste.
Hand me the smaII bottIe.
-Won't he notice anything?
-Not a thing.
He'II sIeep Iike a Iog.
-WiII it Ieave any traces?
It's a sedative.
He'II digest it.
I'm sure he won't come.
That's him. That's his train.
Put that over there.