WeII, Iet's not waste it.
-Here, it wiII cheer you up.
You shouId, it's not bad at aII.
I've never had that before.
-You're supposed to put water in it.
-It wouId be a waste.
Hand me the smaII bottIe.
-Won't he notice anything?
-Not a thing.
He'II sIeep Iike a Iog.
-WiII it Ieave any traces?
It's a sedative.
He'II digest it.
I'm sure he won't come.
That's him. That's his train.
Put that over there.
Stop, pIease, stop.
It's awfuI.
-We must fiII it up.
-I can't do it.
I can't do it, not today.
We must do it, and you know it
as weII as I do.
-It's either today or never.
-Then never!
Let's forget about it.
I can't handIe this.
As you wish. But I must
warn you.
If you miss your chance
he won't miss his.
Not after your phone caII.
I don't know. I just don't know