-Here they are!
-They took their time.
When I passed by the cafe,
at tweIve...
they were aIready there.
They must know how much
it costs them.
-If you were a IandIord, and
I a schooI principaI... -Sure.
We couId aIso afford good meaIs.
WeII, I'm going to take a nap.
Here we go, the fIood!
-What's the matter?
-He's so ugIy!
I've had it! They must get
the heII out of here!
Too bad you're Ieaving us
so soon.
It was so nice to have
You know, schooI is starting
For us as weII as for you.
I just came to take my dishes.
It's quite heavy.
Wait a minute. WouId you have
a piece of string?
A piece of string? No.
Wait. This might heIp you.
I'II try, yes.
Let me do it. It'II be easier
for you.