That was cIever. Go and bring
the poIe.
Me! Me! Me!
Soudieu! Let's test you
on a 100 meters.
As for you, you need
some training in the shot put.
You're Iucky. You have
a champion skin diver here.
-Soudieu! I forbid you!
-Let him! He's a champion!
What's happening?
It's taking him too Iong.
He might be drowning.
Did you see the bubbIes?
Did you get them?
Say something!
I found it. It was shining
in the mud.
It Iooks Iike M. DeIassaIIe's
-And you didn't see...
-The keys!
It's chocoIate soup
at the bottom.
Go get dressed. Don't catch
coId. We'II manage.
I think we'II have to empty
the pooI.
You're right.
Send PIantiveau over.
What are you waiting for?