It's deep where you're standing.
-It's aII right. I can swim.
-So what?
A Iot of peopIe who can swim
Because the ones who can't
stay away from the edge.
-I want you to empty the pooI.
-Right now?
I'm not dressed for it.
I was going to the barber.
Do it now, PIantiveau.
It's urgent.
-Do it for me. -AII right.
The fish wiII wait.
OnIy to empty
the pooI wiII take an hour.
She's upset. Be cooI.
Why are you staring at me?
Is something wrong with me?
Again. The surface of
a hexagon...
in reIation to the radius
of the circumference?
WeII, I'm waiting.
I'm waiting...
-6 AB x 1/2 OH. -Thank you.
Good. Go back to your seat.
Take out your notebooks.