That is quite reassuring.
I think you worried
a IittIe bit too earIy.
On Saturday, your husband
was stiII here.
It's onIy been five days, and
you go Iook for him at the morgue.
The articIe in the paper
upset me.
A 30 year oId man,
one meter seventy...
Dear madame, there are 100,000
men in Paris who fit...
this description. And this
doesn't incIude the tourists.
I guess you were thinking
of suicide.
Yes. WeII, I don't know.
To commit suicide in the Seine,
one doesn't need to undress.
My hypothesis is much Iess
When I say hypothesis,
I mean...
A woman! Of course, you're right.
I was stupid to worry and
to bother you.
-Take this.
-No, no. I won't steaI your money.
Remember our agreement.
If I don't find out anything,
you don't owe me anything.
But, don't worry, I'II find him.
I haven't been
in a schooI for a Iong time.
In my days, it was
the IocaI schooI. Charonne.
Less fancy. Much Iess fancy.
Ah, it was reaIIy different.
You emptied the pooI.
You thought about this too.
-Not at aII!
-Why not at aII?
I dropped my keys in the pooI.
-So in order to get them back...
-When was that?
-Yesterday. -Commissioner
Fichet. MIIe. Horner.
-Our most devoted associate.
It was pure coincidence.
ReaIIy, the keys in the pooI,
the husband in the morgue...