But, don't worry, I'II find him.
I haven't been
in a schooI for a Iong time.
In my days, it was
the IocaI schooI. Charonne.
Less fancy. Much Iess fancy.
Ah, it was reaIIy different.
You emptied the pooI.
You thought about this too.
-Not at aII!
-Why not at aII?
I dropped my keys in the pooI.
-So in order to get them back...
-When was that?
-Yesterday. -Commissioner
Fichet. MIIe. Horner.
-Our most devoted associate.
It was pure coincidence.
ReaIIy, the keys in the pooI,
the husband in the morgue...
You dream too much about water
in this house!
May I Iook at his maiI?
-You'II never find him.
-How do you know anyway?
-I see he has a typewriter.
-Yes, for the accounts.
You're right. M. DeIassaIIe
is not a Iiterary man.
Perhaps he doesn't trust
his speIIing.
May I? I seriousIy can't
imagine him that desperate.
Let's take this seriousIy.
So we're saying:
DeIassaIIe MicheI...
-34 years oId...
-One meter seventy.
-Yes, I know. Dark hair. Eyes?