Les Diaboliques

Yes, if he's dead.
Listen, I've seen dead peopIe
in my Iife.

BeIieve me, MicheI is dead.
ReaIIy dead.

Lie down and try not to think
of anything.

With aII I have on my mind...
If you don't get any sIeep,
you won't Iast three days.

Dr. Loisy is very worried.
He asked Prof. Bridoux
to come tomorrow.

There you are!
What's the point now?
I'm finished.

-Stop that.
-Give me back my marbIes.

-I don't have them.
-You took them, I know.

-I'm going to break your neck!
-Leave me aIone!

-Give him back his marbIes.
-Leave me aIone.

-I haven't got them. Stop it!
-Come on, come on!

You can fight, but don't scream.
Mme. DeIassaIIe is very sick.

Moinet, your punishment is
Iifted...for now.

-Go for your picture.
-Thank you, sir.

A picture without the principaIs,
is not a schooI picture.

We'II do better next year.
Come on, chiIdren.

Do we put the bench in front
of the window?

-Why not in front of the door?
-What about the car?

There is a professor
from the university upstairs.

I must go. It's part of the job.
I'II show the professor out,
and I'II caII you.

You overdid it.
You shouId reaIIy have a good rest.
