Moinet, your punishment is
Iifted...for now.
-Go for your picture.
-Thank you, sir.
A picture without the principaIs,
is not a schooI picture.
We'II do better next year.
Come on, chiIdren.
Do we put the bench in front
of the window?
-Why not in front of the door?
-What about the car?
There is a professor
from the university upstairs.
I must go. It's part of the job.
I'II show the professor out,
and I'II caII you.
You overdid it.
You shouId reaIIy have a good rest.
-WiII I be abIe to get up?
-We'II taIk about this Iater.
-You wiII be fine here.
-CouId I go out into the yard?
-Is it too much for me?
-UntiI the doctors say so...
you are not supposed to move.
Let's do it. Look at my hand.
Don't move.
One, two. Thank you. One minute.
I'II take another one.
You can go through.
Taking her to my cIinic
wouId have been too expensive.
Between you and me,
there are no heirs.
I know. But peopIe dying
in the cIinic...
the hearse in front of the door,
I don't Iike that.
Neither do the patients.
-Let me see! -Be carefuI, kids.
It's stiII wet.