Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing

Why anyone would want to live anywhere
but Hong Kong I can't understand.

Where else could you get
ten servants for the price of one?

By next month, the ratio will be 12:1.
Shanghai's fallen, you know.

- The Reds will have all of China soon.
- We must all keep our heads here.

I hope you'll write something dreadful for
your paper about those ungrateful Chi...

Oh! John Keith.
Now my party is a success.
Adeline, this is Han Suyin,
my friend and colleague.

Han Suyin, I feel I've known you
a long, long time.

- You're a great artist, I understand.
- I'm a doctor.

Oh, well, doctors are artists in their way.
I knew I'd heard something wonderful about
you. John, you know everybody, don't you?

- Suyin, I hardly expected to find you here.
- Doctor's orders.

Adeline's husband is a hospital director.
You must let me speak to him, Dr Han.
There might be a place for you on the staff.

- Thank you, but I am already on the staff.
- Oh, how nice.

Well, then, we won't have to tell him, will we?
I want you to meet Father Lowe.
He just escaped from China, too.
But I haven'tjust escaped from China.
I've been studying medicine in England.

I haven't been back to China for ten years.
- But you are Chinese.
- Eurasian.

My father was Chinese.
My mother was English.

I think of myself as Chinese, however.
I know exactly how you feel. The minute
I put on a Chinese frock, I feel Chinese.

If you have capital invested, you can double
your money in Hong Kong in three months...

Money, money, money. Is so sordid, dear.
I want you to meet Dr Han.
This mercenary man is my husband.

- Delighted, Doctor.
- And this is Father Lowe.

- And Mr Beager, Mr Wong and Mr...
- Bohannen, dear.

Oh, yes. And Mrs Wong, Madame Monet,
Mr Daney and Fiona Manton.

Father Lowe is fresh out of North China.
All the really nice people are getting out.
- I was thrown out.
- Rice converts, thas what they were.
