- Thank you, but I am already on the staff.
- Oh, how nice.
Well, then, we won't have to tell him, will we?
I want you to meet Father Lowe.
He just escaped from China, too.
But I haven'tjust escaped from China.
I've been studying medicine in England.
I haven't been back to China for ten years.
- But you are Chinese.
- Eurasian.
My father was Chinese.
My mother was English.
I think of myself as Chinese, however.
I know exactly how you feel. The minute
I put on a Chinese frock, I feel Chinese.
If you have capital invested, you can double
your money in Hong Kong in three months...
Money, money, money. Is so sordid, dear.
I want you to meet Dr Han.
This mercenary man is my husband.
- Delighted, Doctor.
- And this is Father Lowe.
- And Mr Beager, Mr Wong and Mr...
- Bohannen, dear.
Oh, yes. And Mrs Wong, Madame Monet,
Mr Daney and Fiona Manton.
Father Lowe is fresh out of North China.
All the really nice people are getting out.
- I was thrown out.
- Rice converts, thas what they were.
- Rice converts.
- I loved them.
I knew them as I knew the back of my hand.
But they turned me out.
I'm sure I'll find China
much changed when I return.
- You're going back, Doctor?
- Don't tell us you're a Communist!
No, but I became a doctor to help my people.
Like all Chinese,
I'm spellbound by my own country.
- You'll be shot.
- I hope not!
- I'm not a politician or a missionary.
- Really, I must say...
You must say something
to your other guests.
- We know. I'll pilot Suyin around.
- Oh, thank you, John, thank you.
- Oh, dear, I'm saying all the wrong things.
- Not at all.
- Getting your sense of balance back?
- Yeah. And my sense of humour.
I'd heard that these parties were...
- Oh. I left my fan.
- Where?
Well... I think I put it down
when I was handed a cocktail.