Love Me or Leave Me

What'd you have to go
and make a fuss for?

Why should I let that big ape paw me?
- It's natural. They all do it.
- Not to me, they don't.

Oh, I forgot. You're different.
You're going places.

That's right.
Get wise to yourself.
You're not going anyplace.

Not till you stop hollering, "Hands off."
I'll stop hollering when I want to,
not because the customer's always right.

Have you had a good look?
I understand you wanna go on the stage.
Maybe I can help you.

Get out of here, or I'll call the manager.
This is a private dressing room.

Private for employees,
which you're not no longer.

Well, you want me to help you
go on the stage?

Why don't you buy a ticket and try
your line on one of the employees.

- That is, if you have 1 o cents.
- Lf he has 1 o cents?

He's the owner of the biggest
nightclub laundry in chicago.

I know everybody in the business.
They're my customers.

- Sure. He can introduce you to a dozen...
- Shut up!

What are you butting in for?
I can't talk?

I'll give you one of my cards.
- Why should you?
- Why not?

I like to help a girl when I can.
And you got a very excellent personality.
I can see that.

All I do is write on my card,
and they'll put you to work.

Oh, I must've left them out in my car.
Meet me outside, and I'll...

Now what's the matter?
I'm not getting into any car with you.
Who said you should? Who invited you?
I said, meet me at the car.

You dope! He's trying to give
you a break. Take advantage.

Or don't. If you want it, okay.
If not, not.
