Hey, Etling! Etling!
What's her name? Ruth. Ruthie!
Ruthie, come on out, huh?
What did I say that was so terrible?
What crime did I commit?
- Come on, like a good girl, huh?
- Want me to drag her out, Marty?
Get out of here.
- Deal me in.
- Well, hurry up.
That's all we wait for Etting.
All right, kids, rehearsal. Let's go.
- Why is it every time we start...?
- You take Etting's place.
I'm a specialty.
- Mr. Snyder wants to see you right away.
- I'm working. Sorry.
Listen, I asked you nice, didn't I?
You want me to ask you not nice?
Sure. Might as well have both versions.
You think the Gimp found out
you talked to the girl?
Maybe. If he has, you think I should
crawl into the laundry and apologize?
Well, I would.
But I'm an old man, I want to live.
What else have I got?
You better go.
But, Mr. Frobisher,
we can't rehearse without music.
- So hum to them.
- Hum?
All right, girls, line up.
Come on, line up.
One, two, three, four.
You notice how the help
all wears gloves?
Once the wash is washed,
it ain't touched by a human hand.