- Mr. Snyder wants to see you right away.
- I'm working. Sorry.
Listen, I asked you nice, didn't I?
You want me to ask you not nice?
Sure. Might as well have both versions.
You think the Gimp found out
you talked to the girl?
Maybe. If he has, you think I should
crawl into the laundry and apologize?
Well, I would.
But I'm an old man, I want to live.
What else have I got?
You better go.
But, Mr. Frobisher,
we can't rehearse without music.
- So hum to them.
- Hum?
All right, girls, line up.
Come on, line up.
One, two, three, four.
You notice how the help
all wears gloves?
Once the wash is washed,
it ain't touched by a human hand.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I like things clean.
Sit down, make yourself comfortable.
- Marty, the piano player.
- Hello.
Oh, yeah.
How much you get an hour to coach?
- Coach?
- Miss Etling.
She wants to sing.
She's got some idea
she shouldn't make bad habits.
She should have arrangements,
you know what I mean?
What do you get by the hour?
- Five dollars.
- I'll give you 1 o.
Anybody hangs around me,
they make.
Well, can she sing?
What is she, a dummy?
Anybody can sing.
You put them on the stage,
tell the public they're singers.
What does the public know?
You want the job?
- At 1 o bucks an hour? Sure.
- You got yourself a deal.
Georgie will take you back.
When would you like to start?
- Well...
- You can fix it up between you later.
Don't take it too serious.
A couple lessons to make her feel good.