Yes, you still care about it.
Are you always this unhappy?
Or is it just today?
Is this going to be a long session, Johnny?
Because I have other appointments.
No, all I'd planned for today
was to run through the songs.
Of course, I had thought you'd have lunch
with me afterwards. Or a drink.
Or a cup of coffee?
Or a cup of coffee.
The last time you asked me that,
Johnny, I didn't, because I didn't want to.
But now I'll tell you
so that you'll never ask me again.
I can't.
- Hello, Barney.
- Hello.
I'm tired, Marty. I didn't want
to go out tonight.
Relax. Don't be so sour.
Gotta eat someplace.
- I ordered your steak medium. Okay?
- Yes.
- Well, how was it today?
- Fine.
How'd you get along
with that piano player?
I suppose he feels he's
a big shot now, huh?
Why shouldn't he?
He's doing pretty well.
Working for somebody else, ain't he?
Still punching a time clock.
- Who doesn't?
- Not everyone. Not everyone.
Go ahead and tell her.
Get it over with.
Garbage. Take it back.
- Tell the chef Mr. Snyder said, "steak."
- I'm sorry, sir.
There was nothing wrong
with that steak.
- Marty, you can't go on acting this way.
- Oh, yes, I can. Here I can.