I can't.
- Hello, Barney.
- Hello.
I'm tired, Marty. I didn't want
to go out tonight.
Relax. Don't be so sour.
Gotta eat someplace.
- I ordered your steak medium. Okay?
- Yes.
- Well, how was it today?
- Fine.
How'd you get along
with that piano player?
I suppose he feels he's
a big shot now, huh?
Why shouldn't he?
He's doing pretty well.
Working for somebody else, ain't he?
Still punching a time clock.
- Who doesn't?
- Not everyone. Not everyone.
Go ahead and tell her.
Get it over with.
Garbage. Take it back.
- Tell the chef Mr. Snyder said, "steak."
- I'm sorry, sir.
There was nothing wrong
with that steak.
- Marty, you can't go on acting this way.
- Oh, yes, I can. Here I can.
I can act any way I want.
This is my place. I own it.
- How do you like that?
- You what?
It's his, all right. It's changed hands
1 o times. It's jinxed every owner.
- But it's his.
- Why do you want it?
I'll make it the hottest nightspot
on the coast.
Oh, don't worry. None of your money's
in it. Not one red cent.
In two or three weeks when we open, you
can beg to buy in. You and old lady Loomis.
Two or three weeks? I'll be on this picture
for months. I can't play outside dates.
Did I ask you?
This joint, I make a success.
Don't blame me. I told him
it was no cinch, this business.
I know it like the back of me hand.
Been around the clubs for 14 years.
Do you think I washed socks
when I was running laundry?
- Look it's one thing...
- You want them thinking I'm brainless?
You want they should think
I'm getting handouts from you?
So busy making you something,
they think I'm nothing.
You put it all in, Marty?
The dough from the laundry?
You getting scared too?