- I'll throw her out!
- Marty. Stop, please!
- Marty!
- Let go of me! Let go!
There are reporters in there.
I don't care who's there. I'll pull her
off the bandstand.
I don't need nobody.
I don't need handouts.
Listen to me! This is not a handout.
You did a lot for Ruth in the old days.
She knows, she's grateful.
She's got a right to pay it back.
And you've got to take it.
You've got to be big enough to take it.
Hey, that's the guy that shot the guy!
- Look this way, Mr. Snyder!
- Over here.
Hey, give me your autograph, mister.
- You have a good thing on your hands.
- Yeah, sure. Sure.
- You mean the club?
- Yeah. Take a look at it.
It's packed. Never been
more than four people in here.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Mr. Snyder, can I get
some backstage shots?
Mr. Loomis said that you're the only one
that can okay it.
Yeah, sure. Sure, why not?
Only not during the floor show.
That's one of my rules.
- Thanks.
- Think nothing of it.
- What'd you do to the place?
- Pretty nifty.
- Who'd you get in? Decorators?
- I got myself in, that's who.
- Think you've broken the jinx on this spot?
- There was never no jinx on this spot.
- Just of lot of jerks running it.
- Got big plans for it?
When I get through, you'll need
a reservation a month in advance.
- You're counting on keeping it running?
- Through thick and thin.
No matter what happens at my trial.
That's just in case you're being
too polite to ask.
Mr. Snyder, does Miss Etting's appearance
here tonight...