seek no more.
I will show you the best value
in Greenwich Village.
- Come along with me.
- Wait a minute. Who are you?
Allow me to introduce myself.
Im Appopolous.
Papa Appopolous
to my children on Barrow Street.
How do you do?
I am Eileen Sherwood
and this is my sister, Ruth.
- Of the Ohio Sherwoods.
- Of course.
Now, where is this sanctuary?
Due south.
Here we are, darlings.
The pride of Barrow Street,
the Appopolous Arms.
You mean you...
- Is the apartment very high up?
- Up?
Youll be crazy about it.
Here we are, darlings, all righty.
Your luggage, please. Your luggage. Please.
Isnt this exactly
what youve been dreaming about?
My dear young ladies, this is the best value
you can get for your money in New York.
Architecture, neighbourhood.
Thank you, llI have it fixed.
- It isnt too bad, Ruth.
- Too bad?
Let me point out
a few salient features of this studio.
A: It is summer.
B: It is exactly 30 degrees cooler down here.
Cooler? Lts musty enough to hang venison.
Note the exquisite imitation fireplace...
the magnificent day beds.
And look here, there is even a piano.
Id never have known without an autopsy.
And here is a model kitchenette...
complete in every detail.
And here is a luxurious bathroom.
What fiend designed this?