In those two rooms, you wont entertain.
- It does look clean, Ruth.
- Yeah.
Whats that?
One of your neighbours.
Perhaps a future Lily Pons or Helen Traubel.
Come, let me show you the garden.
Its beautiful in the summer.
- A garden.
- Real outdoor living.
- How are you, Papa?
- Very busy, Mr. OConnor.
You see, youre surrounded
by fellow artists like yourself.
- It is colourful, isnt it, Ruth?
- Lf you like loud colours.
- How much is this apartment?
- Only $65.
- $65? For this concrete catacomb?
- Ill even wallpaper the kitchen.
It is cheaper than anything else
weve looked at.
As an added inducement,
llI tell you what llI do.
Take the place for a month,
then, if youre still not satisfied...
Ill give you back your first months rent.
- I dont see what we can lose. Do you?
- Legally, youve got me where you want me.
I gave you my word
in front of two witnesses.
Three, including me.
Please, I just cant look at any more places.
- Well...
- Then its all settled.
- The rest of your luggage is at the station?
- Yes.
You girls make yourself at home.
Ill send for it.
Thank you.
You have the luggage checks, dont you?
- Yeah.
- And the...
Just a minute.
$20, 40, 50, 60.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Thank you.
Thank you, my children.
Thank you very much.
From now on, you can call me Papa.
Ill have it fixed in the morning. Good luck.
Be it ever so humble,
theres no place like home.
Mr. Appopolous!