So Peter the tailor gets himself
a son-in-law today.
And you get a daughter-in-law.
A sweet, good and capable girl.
That's not what I've asked for.
Granddad, say "yes" now.
After he's gone over there
without saying anything
to me about it?
And you, Inger, you knew about it
and never said a word.
It's a conspiracy, a conspiracy
of my own children
behind my back.
No, I'm blessed if I will.
Granddad, where are you going?
Don't ask me. You don't tell me
where you are going.
Granddad, granddad!
And in his shirt sleeves!
You'd better go in
and get some coffee.
And tell Hans to give the mare
some straw.
Here you are.
What came over you, granddad?
Borgen's Farm is not
what it was.
Of course it is.
Johannes will never be
any different.
How do you know that?
And Mikkel will never be
any different.
That you can name those two
in the same breath!
What's wrong with Mikkel, anyhow?