
He gets 12 for one door?
Twelve divided by two is six,
and six zlotys is a day's pay for me.
So in fact you work eight hours
for the price of one.
Let's go on.
Supposing you spend all your time
fitting doors.

You do four a day.
Berg gets 48 zlotys for them
and pays you six.
So he's making 42 zlotys off you,
day in and day out.

Off you, off me, off all of us.
Day in and day out.
There once was
a wise bearded man...

by the name of Karl Marx.
He once wrote
that workers
were paid just barely enough

to renew their strength.
These days we don't even get that.
We have to scrounge to survive.
Can't we workers do anything?
If you only knew, my friend,
how much blood has been spilled
over this simple arithmetic -
among other things.

Workers fight for their rights.
They always have.
What about now?
Even now.
Mr. Sekula,
you say the workers are fighting.
What about you?
