Handsome! I wouldn't mind
buying that for you.
- Mother!
- Come along.
- Mr Hughson may not like gambling.
- Everyone likes to gamble, even you.
I have an intense dislike for it.
When the stakes are right,
you'll gamble.
This is imitation? Really?
You mean, costume jewellery?
The things they make! You can hardly
tell it from the real thing.
Better than anything in Oregon.
- Almost everything is!
- Thank you.
Baccarat's my game. Why did you let
me close to this whirling pickpocket?
Ah, wouldn't you know?
I'm terribly sorry, madam.
But, madam, that was
a 10,000 franc plaque.
Maybe she... Madam, if you'd rather
not take my word, it's all right.
Thank you. I'll trust you too.
I won't count it.