I'm terribly sorry, madam.
But, madam, that was
a 10,000 franc plaque.
Maybe she... Madam, if you'd rather
not take my word, it's all right.
Thank you. I'll trust you too.
I won't count it.
If Jeremiah were only here!
This flying around from Palm Springs
to St Moritz to the Riviera,
he'd think it was foolishness.
He used to say, "I wouldn't be
a society gadabout
if they promised me
I could live forever."
He got his wish! Mr Burns,
where did you say you were from?
- Oregon.
- Jeremiah would have liked you.
A man with both feet on the ground,
that's what he was.
He never realised the value
of the ground he had his feet on.
- We had a ranch...
- Mother, please.
Mr Burns would be interested.
We had a ranch, not a very big one.
No plumbing. A little thing out back.
Jeremiah will never know how close
he came to 20 million barrels of oil.