To Hell and Back

#To be a fancy pants Marine #
# I'd rather be
a dogface soldier like I am #

# I wouldn't trade my old O.D. S
for all the Navy's dungarees #

# For I'm the walking pride
of Uncle Sam #

# On all the posters
that I read, it says #

#The Army builds men #
# So they're tearing me down
to build me over again #

# I'm just a dogface soldier
with a rifle on my shoulder #

#And I eat a Kraut
for breakfast every day #

# So feed me ammunition #
# Keep me in the 3rd DivisiĆ³n #
#Your dogface
soldier boy's okay ##

Hey, that connivin'
first sergeant must have
been here too!

Come on, honey,
have a slug of this stuff.

It won't hurt you a bit.
Honest. This is good for you.
It picks up your whole attitude.

A toast to the one and only
3rd DivisiĆ³n.!

Turn on the radio
so we can dance!
Can you jitterbug?

- Little Texas.!
- One day, I was drivin' along...

Hey, Little Texas,
where you been?

I went to Alaska
on a vacation.
Hey, that's great.

You must need something
to warm you up.

Come on. I got
just the thing to do it.

Hey, Cleopatra!
Come here! Come here!

I want you to meet
a friend from Alaska.
He owns a gold mine.

Would you like
to dance with me?

I'm not very good at it.
If Cleo can't teach you,
nobody can!
