To Hell and Back

Come on, honey,
have a slug of this stuff.

It won't hurt you a bit.
Honest. This is good for you.
It picks up your whole attitude.

A toast to the one and only
3rd DivisiĆ³n.!

Turn on the radio
so we can dance!
Can you jitterbug?

- Little Texas.!
- One day, I was drivin' along...

Hey, Little Texas,
where you been?

I went to Alaska
on a vacation.
Hey, that's great.

You must need something
to warm you up.

Come on. I got
just the thing to do it.

Hey, Cleopatra!
Come here! Come here!

I want you to meet
a friend from Alaska.
He owns a gold mine.

Would you like
to dance with me?

I'm not very good at it.
If Cleo can't teach you,
nobody can!

What's all
the excitement

The Germans have surrendered
in Tunisia!
Did I hear right?

Africa's all ours?
That's what
she said!

Hey, talk about luck!
With us about to move
into the line!

All that training for nothing!
We'll be goin' home!

"Goin' home," he says.
That's where
we're goin'.

I just didn't know
we had to take Sicily
to get there.

To hell and back,
that's where this
outfit's goin'.

General Patton was just
tellin' me the other day,

"You boys think that Fedela
landin' was somethin',

"you just wait
till the next one.

It'll be so rough,
they'll be haulin' dog tags
back by the truckload."

Shut up, Johnson.
You're scarin' us to death.
It's the dyin' truth, son.

Hey, Murphy...
