I sentence Corporal Lehto -
and Privates Määttä and Rahikainen
to 24 hours' close arrest.
The sentence is amended to
two hours standing at attention -
with rifle and
full marching equipment -
and it will be carried out
at the next full hour.
The stolen articles are to
be returned to battalion stores.
Reckon I ain't gonna do it.
I'm not afraid of that little shit.
Guess you'd better, though.
It's not about being afraid -
it's the road of least resistance.
Guess we'll do it, then.
You'll stand in the middle, you're
the squad leader and biggest crook.
You seduced us innocent soldiers
away from military discipline.
This OK? - Sure.
You're just like on Golgatha.
Stay there for a while.
Air raid! Take cover!
Come on, take cover!
Into the woods, boys!
- I ain't going nowhere.