How have you organized the
guard shifts, if I may inquire?
Both machine guns manned
at night, one in daytime.
Name and age?
Private Hauhia, Sir. 22, Sir.
We're all on a
first name basis here.
With me, that is.
The other officers
are a different matter.
Hand me the paper. - Come on,
son, Dad will teach you to fight.
You Finnish men!
Kill your Fascist officers
and come over to us!
We've already killed the officers,
we're working on the noncoms now!
You Finnish men!
Come here and get some bread!
Why don't you come and
get some butter for it!
They keep doing that.
Remember this: Never raise
your head from the trench.
Almost all our casualties -
are boys who held
their heads too high too long.
Always use the periscope.
They'll see you, you see?
The Germans are raping
your wives and sisters.
Even the younger mothers
are being satisfied.
Always scan like this.
Memorize the bodies.
You won't confuse the dead
and the living if they attack.
If they come,
pull the alarm chord.
Take it easy, aim and shoot.
- What's it like to kill people?
No idea. I've only
killed the enemy.
Aren't they men?
- Wise men say the enemy aren't.