Who's that? Password?
Alarm! Enemy in the trench!
Don't shoot.
Take care of those two.
I kicked one of them.
I'll take a prisoner.
Wrestling: Finland vs. The USSR.
I won it by a fall.
I did break the rules,
but they ganged up on me.
He learned it the hard way.
He's dead.
But this one's alive.
I need him.
You get leave if you take
prisoners. I'll take him to HQ.
Don't worry. We'll go
to prison together.
We'll be OK. I'll teach
you how to make lamp stands.
Morning, here I am.
Koskela told me to come.
What... Who is that?
That? He's old Baranow.
- Old Baranow?
Why did you bring him here?
I took him prisoner
last night and figured -
we could draw up a record
of examination on him, too.
They came to take me to
Russia, but I said no way -