- Get a towel, Corporal.
- Yes, sir.
- John?
- Yes, sir?
Did you get those requisitions
approved for the winter underwear?
Wouldn't you know it, sir?
Only the top parts.
Great. Just great.
Hi, there, Woody boy.
You all set for the game?
- All ready.
- The colonel will be along...
Where is Costa?
- Joe? Hasn't he shown up?
- No!
He's been getting a little out of line
lately. He's unofficer-like.
I'm sure you're mistaken, Captain.
John, you told the lieutenant
he was expected, didn't you?
Yes, sir. I told him this morning.
(vehicle approaching)
(Jackson) Ten-hut!
- Carry on, gentlemen. Corporal.
- Hey! Hi.
Erskine, Woodruff. Is this all?
You in a mind to play three-handed?
Costa's been held up.
I'm gonna put a torch under him now.
You do that, son.
And tell him l said
to bring plenty of money.
Yes, sir.
Well, Clyde! Glad you could get over!
Sure... Where's that bourbon
you were talkin' about?
Comin' right up.
You, uh, care for a little branch water?
You don't want me
to rust my plumbing, do you?
À Pittsburgh, mon père faisait ça.