We stuck with the lease?
Kommen Sie out.
Raus! Raus!
Come on!
Amerikaner! Freie Menschen!
Wir sind so froh, dass ihr hier seid.
- I thought you flushed out the cellar.
- I did. They must've been hiding.
- Did you look?
- Yeah. No. Who'd have thought of it?
Anybody with their head on!
That wouldn't be you, would it?
Get down there now and search
the whole place! Every last inch of it.
Halt deinen Mund!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My uncle.
Er will mich bald rüberbringen,
nach Amerika. Schwartz.
Die Brauerei. Bitte. Das ist mein Onkel.
Halt's Maul.
The mean one's a captain.
It's the same in every army.
Toliver, these boys
are the answer to a prayer.
I want it real quiet now.
I'm gonna work on the old guy.
OK, you. In there.
In there. Panzers?
Panzers, was?
Come on, sprechen Sie!
Otto, ich warne dich.
Nicht sprechen Sie, understand?
Ich weiB gar nichts.
You got the old guy
scared stiff, Lieutenant.
Any mechanised stuff in there?