
Die Brauerei. Bitte. Das ist mein Onkel.
Halt's Maul.
The mean one's a captain.
It's the same in every army.

Toliver, these boys
are the answer to a prayer.

I want it real quiet now.
I'm gonna work on the old guy.

OK, you. In there.
In there. Panzers?
Panzers, was?
Come on, sprechen Sie!
Otto, ich warne dich.
Nicht sprechen Sie, understand?
Ich weiB gar nichts.
You got the old guy
scared stiff, Lieutenant.

Any mechanised stuff in there?
Come on, now, sprechen Sie!
Otto, deinen Namen, deinen Rang,
deine Nummer - sonst nichts.

He's making with the Articles of War.
They don't apply to us.
Not in a vice like this.

This is a .45-calibre automatic, Captain.
Verstehen Sie? Nicht sprechen!

How about it? Panzers?
SS, huh? SS?
Ich weiB nicht.
You won't get it out of him.
Whitey's got him too scared.

Namen, Rang und Nummer!
Keep your mouth shut!
Panzers? Come on, now!
- Das sind...
- Otto, du ldiot!

Du brauchst doch nur zu warten.
Im Dorf, aufdem Kirchturm, überall.
