You keep your nose
in the cotton.
Sometimes, water comes,
sometimes it don't.
This time it will.
Bring me a drink of that nice
cool well water, please.
"So, you're a wop?"
I don't have the strength anymore
to draw water out of that well.
Would you like a cool drink
of water?
How do you do?
I'm Aunt Rose Comfort.
My brother was Baby Doll's daddy,
Mr. T.C. Carson McCorkle.
I've been visiting here since...
I can't remember
just when it was.
I hope you don't mind
drinking out of a gourd.
Excuse me please, that old hen
has got back in my kitchen.
I could think of worse ways
to spend an afternoon...
than drinking cool well water
with Mrs. Meighan.
Stay with the cotton.
Go on, stay with the cotton.
There's such a difference
in water...
you wouldn't think so,
but there certainly is.
I take it you've not had
this place long, Mrs. Meighan?
No. We've had it long.
Don't you have garbage collectors
on Tiger Tail road?
Oh, it costs extra for them
to come out here...
and Archie Lee...
I don't know,
I almost give up sometimes.
You say you've got a bunch of
unfurnished rooms in this house?