Baby Doll

I could think of worse ways
to spend an afternoon...

than drinking cool well water
with Mrs. Meighan.

Stay with the cotton.
Go on, stay with the cotton.

There's such a difference
in water...

you wouldn't think so,
but there certainly is.

I take it you've not had
this place long, Mrs. Meighan?

No. We've had it long.
Don't you have garbage collectors
on Tiger Tail road?

Oh, it costs extra for them
to come out here...

and Archie Lee...
I don't know,
I almost give up sometimes.

You say you've got a bunch of
unfurnished rooms in this house?

Five complete sets of furniture...
hauled away by the Ideal Pay
As You Go Plan Furniture Company.

When did this misfortune
fall upon you?

Yesterday. Ain't that awful?

Both of us had misfortunes
on the same day...

You lost your furniture,
my cotton gin burned down.

Quite a coincidence!
What's that?
I said it was a coincidence
of misfortune.

Sure. What can you do with
a bunch of unfurnished rooms?

Well, you could play
hide and seek.

Not me, I'm not athletic.
When I arrived in this county to
take over the syndicate plantation...

this house was empty, I was told
it was haunted.

Yes, that's why Archie Lee
got it for almost nothing.
