Baby Doll

Comfortable to sit in.
What's this here?

It's my charm bracelet.
My daddy gave it to me.

They're the Ten Commandments.
And these here?
My birthday.
How many charming birthdays
have you had?

As many as the charms
on the bracelet.

Do you mind?
Count them.
That's all.
I'll be 20 tomorrow.
Tomorrow is election day
and my birthday...

and the day that Franklin Roosevelt
was elected for the first time.

It's a great day for the country
for both reasons.

He was a man to respect.
And you're a lady to respect.
I never got past the fourth grade.
Why did you quit?
Well, I had a great deal of trouble
with long division.

The teacher would send me up to the
blackboard to work on a problem...

and I would go up to the blackboard,
lean my head against it...

and cry and cry.
Would you move your leg?
You want me to move my leg?
Otherwise, I can't get out.
I'd just cry and cry and cry.
Well, finally I left school...
and a girl without education,
a girl without...
