One more kettle will do.
You're not in the hospital now!
I'm sorry, Ed,...
...but I just must have been crazy.
Will you forgive me?
There's only one thing wrong...
...with both of us.
We've been away from
each other too long.
What's the matter Richie.
-It's Daddy.
He's down in the den.
And he's crying.
Go back to bed, darling.
Your Dad's been through a lot.
Darling, what is it?
It's nothing. I don't know.
Please go away.
You should have called me.
Is the pain back?
No, of course not.
It isn't anything physical.
I only wish to God it were.
I'll call Dr. Norton.
He'd send me back to the hospital.
-But shouldn't you go?
I can't get sick again.
What'll happen to you and
Richie if I fold up on the job?