What's the matter Richie.
-It's Daddy.
He's down in the den.
And he's crying.
Go back to bed, darling.
Your Dad's been through a lot.
Darling, what is it?
It's nothing. I don't know.
Please go away.
You should have called me.
Is the pain back?
No, of course not.
It isn't anything physical.
I only wish to God it were.
I'll call Dr. Norton.
He'd send me back to the hospital.
-But shouldn't you go?
I can't get sick again.
What'll happen to you and
Richie if I fold up on the job?
I'm not going to argue about this.
Let's go upstairs and get some sleep.
Then, we'll see how you
feel in the morning.
Some kind of a let-down.
I'm sorry if I worried you.
-You'll be all right.
You go ahead, I'll be right in.
Don't be long now.