Bus Stop

She went off with another customer.
l was worried.
lt's time for the second show.

l want you to be the first to know.
After all, it was your idea.

-What was?
-l've found me that gal like you said.

Cherry and me, we're engaged.
-We're what?

Virge, l want you to meet Cherry.
Cherry, this is Virge.

He'll be living with us.
-We already met.
-Someone's got the wrong idea here.

-What do you mean, Cherry?
-l told you my name is Cherie.

l can't say it fancy like that.
What's the matter with Cherry?

Well, it ain't dignified.

The rodeo starts tomorrow afternoon.
We'll get married out there!

-Married? Out where?
-At the rodeo.

Tomorrow, after the finals,
we'll all catch the bus back.

You don't know nothing about this gal.
l know she's my angel,
that's good enough for me.

Your angel was hustling me for drinks.
Sixty cents a shot.

And it wasn't whiskey
she was drinking, it was tea.

Of course it was, Virge!
Angels don't touch no liquor!

l gotta kiss you again!
l just can't help myself.

Cut it out! Everybody's looking.
Let them. Ain't no crime when
we're getting married tomorrow.

We'll be very happy together,
till death do us part.

l better get to bed.
Virge, come on, let's get going.

We'll make the rest
of the plans in the morning.

For a wedding present...
...l'll get you a deep-freeze
or an electric washer...

...or any other major appliance
you want.

Good night, darling.
