Tomorrow, after the finals,
we'll all catch the bus back.
You don't know nothing about this gal.
l know she's my angel,
that's good enough for me.
Your angel was hustling me for drinks.
Sixty cents a shot.
And it wasn't whiskey
she was drinking, it was tea.
Of course it was, Virge!
Angels don't touch no liquor!
l gotta kiss you again!
l just can't help myself.
Cut it out! Everybody's looking.
Let them. Ain't no crime when
we're getting married tomorrow.
We'll be very happy together,
till death do us part.
l better get to bed.
Virge, come on, let's get going.
We'll make the rest
of the plans in the morning.
For a wedding present...
...l'll get you a deep-freeze
or an electric washer...
...or any other major appliance
you want.
Good night, darling.
You're on again.
What's the matter? What happened?
You know something?
l'm not quite sure.
This whole thing is probably my fault.
l told you it was about time
you started learning about women.
l ain't saying this gal you picked
ain't a good one to practice on.
But a fella can't go marrying
the first gal he meets.
-Why not?
-Better get your mind on that rodeo.
Fellas at the ranch
got their money on you.
She has no intention of marrying you.
Yes, she has, Virge.
She's got a physical attraction to me.
She said so herself.
-Yeah, Bo?
What's the difference
between a physical attraction...
...and just a regular attraction?