Bus Stop

...and drug into buses
in the middle of the night!

How else was l gonna
get her on the bus?

Well, l'm asking you.
Go to sleep!
l don't know why l keep expecting
myself to fall in love, but l do.

l know l expect to someday.
l'm beginning to wonder if there's
the kind of love l have in mind.

-What's that?
-l don't know.

See, l've been going with guys
since l was about 12.

l almost married my cousin when l
was 14. Pappy wouldn't have it.

l never heard of marrying so young.
Down in the Ozarks
we don't waste much time.

l sure am glad l never married
my cousin Malcolm...

...because he turned out real bad,
just like Pappy predicted.

But l sure was crazy
about him at the time.

And l've been losing my head
about some guy ever since.

Bo's the first one
that ever wanted to marry me...

...since my cousin Malcolm.
Naturally, l'd like to get married
and have a family and all them things.

But you've never been in love?
l don't know.
Maybe l have and l didn't know it.
That's what l mean.
Maybe l don't know what love is.

l want a guy l can look up to
and admire.

But l don't want him to browbeat me.
l want a guy who'll be sweet with me.
