Bus Stop

Cherry? Cherry, where are you?

Cherry? What's going on up here?
Get away from me!
l'm getting dressed.

You've caused enough trouble
for one night. Sit down!

l can't figure it out.
Why don't she like me? Why?
Of course, if you loved him,
it wouldn't be so bad.

Yeah, but l don't.
Not at all?
Some gals don't like to be
pushed and grabbed and lassoed...

...and drug into buses
in the middle of the night!

How else was l gonna
get her on the bus?

Well, l'm asking you.
Go to sleep!
l don't know why l keep expecting
myself to fall in love, but l do.

l know l expect to someday.
l'm beginning to wonder if there's
the kind of love l have in mind.

-What's that?
-l don't know.

See, l've been going with guys
since l was about 12.

l almost married my cousin when l
was 14. Pappy wouldn't have it.

l never heard of marrying so young.
Down in the Ozarks
we don't waste much time.

l sure am glad l never married
my cousin Malcolm...

...because he turned out real bad,
just like Pappy predicted.
