And that was a lovely thing to say.
He did appreciate other actors,
other artists.
In the beginning, I was naturally
very interested in Jimmy as an actor...
and as a person. I'd never met him.
He stayed very much to himself...
and was very distant.
I thought,
"Okay, I will respect that and his privacy. "
So I stayed very distant.
But he was the only one, because
everybody else were like teddy bears.
I love teddy bears.
It took a while for us
to finally kind of share thoughts.
But he didn't allow that.
If I would just say even, "Good morning,"
he'd say, "Hi"...
and sort of roll his eyes and so on...
but nothing in the way of communication.
So finally, I was taking pictures,
as I usually do, of everybody...
and having a wonderful time.
Finally he came up to me one day,
and he said:
"You don't take any pictures of me."
And I said, "I wouldn't think of it.
"You obviously enjoy being by yourself...
"because you never come around
and mingle with us, especially me. "
And I said, "I try very hard...
"to respect people's wishes as best I can."
I said, "I wouldn't dream of bothering you
in any way, shape or form."
"That's all right." He said, "If you want
to take some pictures of me, I don't mind."
I said, "Honest lnjun?
That would be super. I'd love that."
So that was the beginning.
That was the first step.
And the steps came more regularly
and more often.
I'd say, "Jimmy, tell me a story."
He had a big thing about
the end justifying the means.
But he also told me a story about...
how one day when he was driving
in the hot desert...