"You don't take any pictures of me."
And I said, "I wouldn't think of it.
"You obviously enjoy being by yourself...
"because you never come around
and mingle with us, especially me. "
And I said, "I try very hard...
"to respect people's wishes as best I can."
I said, "I wouldn't dream of bothering you
in any way, shape or form."
"That's all right." He said, "If you want
to take some pictures of me, I don't mind."
I said, "Honest lnjun?
That would be super. I'd love that."
So that was the beginning.
That was the first step.
And the steps came more regularly
and more often.
I'd say, "Jimmy, tell me a story."
He had a big thing about
the end justifying the means.
But he also told me a story about...
how one day when he was driving
in the hot desert...
during this hot summer in Texas,
and it gets really hot.
It was one of those blacktop highways.
He came upon a wreck.
There had been an accident.
A black man who had been injured
was lying out on the side of the highway...
in this hot, boiling Texas sun.
And it took an hour...
for them to get an ambulance there
to help him, and the man was hurt.
Jimmy stood over him...
and afforded him shade for that hour.
To shade his face
so he wouldn't be lying in that boiling sun.
He was very touched by the fact
that the church...
the preacher, the minister had spoken
about that, about his humanity...
about stopping on the side of the road
to help somebody.
He was very touched by the fact
that they had talked about it in church.
I couldn't believe all that he went through
before he did a scene.