Sign this receipt. Get that
money to your camp in a hurry.
Stop them, major!
They shot the station agent!
Get after them, you fools!
They stole your payroll.
- You all right?
- Yeah. Get out of here.
Fire at them, they're rebels!
Hey, lieutenant. Ain't that a federal
offense, breaking open them boxes?
Ain't that a beautiful sight?
Makes you feel like a kitten
with a whole basin of milk.
- What a pity it don't belong to us.
- How much you figure it comes to?
$ 12,250.
Lieutenant, how about making
that a neat, round sum?
Say $ 10,000, and us fellows
dividing up the difference?
You thieving rat.
The Army would shoot us.
Well, who would tell?
- I wouldn't, for one.
- Me neither.
Look at us. A bunch of starved
scarecrows, whipped and dead broke.
All we got from this war is
shriveled guts and saddle sores.
You got a tempting argument.
I doubt if it's legal.